
Showing posts with label Immunity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immunity. Show all posts

Diet in Dengue Fever

 Diet in Dengue Fever

-Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia

In the rainy season, the mosquitoes become more and the fever of Dengue most of the time be incurable due to its fast rapid development in the body. The patients with Dengue Fever face a reduction in platelets. The Doctors generally recommend a specific diet, however, as per symptoms of fever always take the advice of the Doctor before adopting the following diet:

1. Intake of Papaya:

Why it is taken? Vitamin-C enriched papaya improves the platelets and the immunity of the body is also increased. It is easily digestible and the energy level is increased to a great extent.

2. Tea of Ginger:

 The Ginger is anti-bacterial and when it is mixed in tea, its impact becomes more. The hot tea of ginger not only cleans the throat but also reduces the impact of dengue fever on the body.

3. Coconut Water:

Coconut water is recommended because it is full of electrolytes which helps the body to safeguard from fever. The coconut water is helpful in increasing the platelets and the recovery becomes fast.

4. Turmeric:

Turmeric is full of benefits. It contains curcumin, a bright yellow chemical produced by plants of the Curcuma longa species which is a herbal supplement to cure diseases.

5. Orange Juice:

The orange is full of vitamin C which is quite helpful in improving immunity.

However, the above five things are useful for all the patients, but it is a must to take the advice of the Doctor from whom the medicines are taken to cure Dengue fever.

*Copyright © 2021 Dr. Lalit Kumar. All rights reserved. 

This article is written by Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia; a renowned author and trainer. He completed his Doctorate in Commerce from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra and MBA in Information Technology from GJU, Hisar. He also wrote two books, 15 research papers, and organized more than 200 Training Courses during his working period since 2006 in Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurugram. The article was published on 30th September 2021 and last updated on 30th September 2021. The writer can be contacted on 

Nutrition in Food for Immune System

Nutrition in Food for Immune System

Generally, Doctors recommend a tablet to be taken with empty stomach to the patients with weak digestive system. The allopathic drugs require stong digestive system to cure the diseases because the drugs are heavy to digest...tablets to improve digestive system are also prescribed. In other medical treatments, again this issue affects the patients sometimes the Ayurvedic medicines also become harmful for the patients with weak digestive system. What to do to improve the digestive system and immunity for staying healthy. Boost your immunity by selecting nutritional food...How.. Let's understand by reading an article. 
Now-a-days, people are gradually being aware about the nutritional products and medicinal products. The Multi-National Companies (MNCs) are trying to offer products with greater quantity of nutrition and a lot of advertisements used to promote such offered products. The energy boosting products are used as fuel, means greater the quantity, greater the power is assumed to be generated by the user. The products are used as supplements to increase the volume of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids etc. and considered good for people concerned with weight management, brain health, digestion, heart health, stress management, increasing volume of sleep, and treating joint pains in body. 

1. Hot Chocolate: 

It is experienced that the chocolate when added in hot milk, provides a lot of energy. The chocolate sometimes contains caffeine and works to relax blood vessels. The hot cocoa has potential to improve the flow of blood in vessels and helps in lowering blood pressure as well as improving the heart health. The best way is to take real chocolate with real milk and unrefined sugar and it leads to reduction in stress & anxiety. Even the in-take of hot chocolate is also recommended for the patients of Cancer; means the product also has potential to fight with the cancer cells to make the patient able to recover earlier. 

2. Pasta: 

It contains carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins. It is used by adding into salad and taken to enrich the taste of food. People requiring recovery from diseases in shorter period of time, prefer to take greater quantity of Pasta and it is also considered good for the growing kids. The delicious taste of Pasta becomes a medium to pass on a plenty of health benefits to the kids and old age persons like providing folic acid, being cholesterol free, and sustaining energy. 

3. Green Chilly: 

In order to build up appetite and sometimes to cope up with the problem of stomach distress, green chilly is used. Due to green chilly, a person eats a little more than the appetite and that little more is also digested due to green chilly’s impact; which leads to greater energy inside the body. Rich in dietary fiber, the green chilly takes care of the skin and improves the glow. The green chilly is taken in raw form, sometimes fried and roasted to add in the food, makes not only a delicious taste but also enhances the quantum of vitamins in food.

4. Turmeric and Ginger: 

Both are considered as best anti-inflammatory eatable and also used as pain-killers. These both products have no side effects and make a person to easily recover from the pain with keeping the body in balance. Now-a-days, the lemon, ginger & turmeric tea are also available to detoxify the body and support the immune system to fight infection and say good-bye to headaches. The impressive benefits are eliminating inflammation, increasing cognition, preventing cancer, strengthening the immune system, and easing gastrointestinal distress. Further, the intake of such products aids in protecting the heart, regulates diabetes, soothes pain, counters depression, and improves the skin quality.

5. Banana and Coconut: 

The potassium rich things make a person easy to grow by preventing muscle contraction. The Bananas are full of essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6. These are used and recommended for skin tightening, acne-busting, and skin lightening. The coconuts are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite and considered as natural source of quick energy (if taken in the form of coconut water). The coconut is also beneficial in preventing kidney stones, supporting heart health, reducing blood pressure, and generally recommended after prolonged exercise.

6. Honey: 

The antibacterial component of honey supports the immune system and boost the body to work longer. It is considered as a remedy for dry cough & cold. It aids digestion & helps in reducing the weight. It heals the skin conditions and boosts energy. It has healing properties for beauty treatments, and intelligence in body fat metabolism by differentiating itself from all other forms of sugar and sweeteners.

7. Chia Seeds: 

The seeds are rich in fiber and contains Omega-3 which is very good nutrition for building stronger bones and muscles. It is full of protein, vitamins, and minerals (phosphorus, calcium, zinc, copper, and potassium).
Chia Seeds

Due to highly anti-oxidant food, the Chia Seeds are considered for repairing the damaged skin and also prevent skin to be aged due to inflammation. Super-high in fiber, the seeds are considered to balance the insulin level (best of the patients of diabetes); also controls the constipation and leads to weight loss. In case, the persons is affected with heart problems and recommended to precautions for not taking oily, fatty, and hardly digestible food; the Chia Seeds proved a nutritional choice because the seeds regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure. The Chia Seeds contain linoleic acid which helps the body in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K; leading to weight loss without any side effect. Recent studies are claiming that the Chia Seeds not only increase immunity with boosting metabolism system but also build the muscles and make bones stronger.
However, taking nutritional foods in greater quantity, leads to stomach discomfort due to higher fibre content. Generally, a daily intake of 400 mg is considered to be safe and consuming more than 500–600 mg per day is considered excessive. This may overwhelm the nervous system, causing insomnia, nervousness, irritability, stomach cramps, heart palpitations and muscle tremors. One should always take greater quantity of water during the intake of nutritional products so that the products can easily be digested.
*Copyright © 2018 Dr. Lalit Kumar. All rights reserved. 

Benefits of Broken Onion

Benefits of Broken Onion

  In my childhood, my grandparents normally use the onion after breaking with hands. But now-a-days, the onion is used after cutting with knife. I try to find answer and asked old persons why to break onion instead of cutting it. I found some scientific reasons behind it; the onion cut with the knife are exposed more to the open air than the onion broken with force. When an onion is exposed to open air, the process of evaporation took place and the quantity of evaporation changed the taste and nutritional value of the onion. The onion is the only vegetable which reacts to the gases and chemicals available in air due to quantity of Sulfur in the onion. We are aware that the sulfuric acid is known as strongest acid and can react with metals. Therefore, cutting onion with knife can lead to a chemical process with result in creation of Sulfuric Acid. Even the sulfur which is found in onions; is not equally saturated inside onions. A recent study in Washington University explains that the upper layers of onion comprise more quantity of Sulfur.
The last inner layer of the onion contains effective anti-oxide which helps in longevity and keeps young age longer.

Benefits of Broken Onion:

Benefits of Broken Onion

(i) Growth of Hairs:

The people who suffers from baldness and recommended to take Vitamin-E capsules by the doctors; can take broken onion which is easier to digest and contain more Vitamin-E than capsules. Even the onion’s water can be applied on scalp to increase the growth of hairs, it also reduces the number of grey hairs. In case, the hairs are not growing due to Alopecia Areata then onions’ juice is recommended to cure the hair loss.

(ii) Healthy Bones:

The broken onions comprise various ingredients which strengthen the bones. The Bern University after making experiments on mice, found that one gram of onion strengthens 17% bones of mice. The onions reduce the oxidative stress and decrease the bone loss in the old age people and helpful in preventing osteoporosis.
The people from ancient times used onion without cutting it, to eat through breaking with force; because it improves the health of bones. In each recipe, the onions are used in vegetables and every person should eat in plenty for improving the health of bones.

(iii) Improved functioning of Heart:

The broken onions are best for the heart and most of the heart diseases are cured from it. The onions reduce the bad cholesterol level of the body and prevents heart attack.

(iv) Curing Stomach Ulcers:

The broken onions treat the sore mouth and throat, bronchitis, and even the parasitic worms. It is well known that the onions are applied directly to the skin in case of insect bites, wounds, warts etc. due to its effectiveness in curing skin diseases.

(V) Immunity Booster:

The antioxidant which protects the cells from damage and improves the immunity of the body, i.e. Vitamin C is found in onion. Onions are also rich in Vitamin B and improve the metabolism system for efficient function of nerves.

(vi) Fights Cancer:

In order to fight Cancer, the doctors recommend eating vegetables of Allium genus i.e. Onions and Garlic. The broken onion is rich in sulfur which decrease the development of tumour and prevents Cancer.

(vii) Controls Blood Sugar:

The diabetes is a common disease all over the world, the broken red coloured onions contain quercetin and sulfur compounds which possess anti-diabetic effects on the body. It regulates the blood sugar level and interact with small intestine, pancreas, fat tissue and liver.

(viii) Improves Digestive System:

The digestion is improved from intake of fiber and prebiotics and the broken onions are rich in prebiotics which help in absorption of calcium in the body. It also reduces the chances of stone in the stomach.

The people suffering with ‘lack of appetite’ and ‘gallbladder disorders’ are recommended by doctors to take broken onions. 
You might also be interested in reading the following:

1. Nutrition in Food as a support to Immune System  

2. How to stop hair fall - Tips by Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia  

3. Stress Management and Realization of Happiness  

4. An idea to remain young forever  

5. Adopt Healthy Habits and Stay Far From Medicines  

6. Don’t be afraid of Higher Uric Acid Level indeed adopt these remedies  


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