
Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts

Benefits of Broken Onion

Benefits of Broken Onion

  In my childhood, my grandparents normally use the onion after breaking with hands. But now-a-days, the onion is used after cutting with knife. I try to find answer and asked old persons why to break onion instead of cutting it. I found some scientific reasons behind it; the onion cut with the knife are exposed more to the open air than the onion broken with force. When an onion is exposed to open air, the process of evaporation took place and the quantity of evaporation changed the taste and nutritional value of the onion. The onion is the only vegetable which reacts to the gases and chemicals available in air due to quantity of Sulfur in the onion. We are aware that the sulfuric acid is known as strongest acid and can react with metals. Therefore, cutting onion with knife can lead to a chemical process with result in creation of Sulfuric Acid. Even the sulfur which is found in onions; is not equally saturated inside onions. A recent study in Washington University explains that the upper layers of onion comprise more quantity of Sulfur.
The last inner layer of the onion contains effective anti-oxide which helps in longevity and keeps young age longer.

Benefits of Broken Onion:

Benefits of Broken Onion

(i) Growth of Hairs:

The people who suffers from baldness and recommended to take Vitamin-E capsules by the doctors; can take broken onion which is easier to digest and contain more Vitamin-E than capsules. Even the onion’s water can be applied on scalp to increase the growth of hairs, it also reduces the number of grey hairs. In case, the hairs are not growing due to Alopecia Areata then onions’ juice is recommended to cure the hair loss.

(ii) Healthy Bones:

The broken onions comprise various ingredients which strengthen the bones. The Bern University after making experiments on mice, found that one gram of onion strengthens 17% bones of mice. The onions reduce the oxidative stress and decrease the bone loss in the old age people and helpful in preventing osteoporosis.
The people from ancient times used onion without cutting it, to eat through breaking with force; because it improves the health of bones. In each recipe, the onions are used in vegetables and every person should eat in plenty for improving the health of bones.

(iii) Improved functioning of Heart:

The broken onions are best for the heart and most of the heart diseases are cured from it. The onions reduce the bad cholesterol level of the body and prevents heart attack.

(iv) Curing Stomach Ulcers:

The broken onions treat the sore mouth and throat, bronchitis, and even the parasitic worms. It is well known that the onions are applied directly to the skin in case of insect bites, wounds, warts etc. due to its effectiveness in curing skin diseases.

(V) Immunity Booster:

The antioxidant which protects the cells from damage and improves the immunity of the body, i.e. Vitamin C is found in onion. Onions are also rich in Vitamin B and improve the metabolism system for efficient function of nerves.

(vi) Fights Cancer:

In order to fight Cancer, the doctors recommend eating vegetables of Allium genus i.e. Onions and Garlic. The broken onion is rich in sulfur which decrease the development of tumour and prevents Cancer.

(vii) Controls Blood Sugar:

The diabetes is a common disease all over the world, the broken red coloured onions contain quercetin and sulfur compounds which possess anti-diabetic effects on the body. It regulates the blood sugar level and interact with small intestine, pancreas, fat tissue and liver.

(viii) Improves Digestive System:

The digestion is improved from intake of fiber and prebiotics and the broken onions are rich in prebiotics which help in absorption of calcium in the body. It also reduces the chances of stone in the stomach.

The people suffering with ‘lack of appetite’ and ‘gallbladder disorders’ are recommended by doctors to take broken onions. 
You might also be interested in reading the following:

1. Nutrition in Food as a support to Immune System  

2. How to stop hair fall - Tips by Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia  

3. Stress Management and Realization of Happiness  

4. An idea to remain young forever  

5. Adopt Healthy Habits and Stay Far From Medicines  

6. Don’t be afraid of Higher Uric Acid Level indeed adopt these remedies  


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