
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Diet in Dengue Fever

 Diet in Dengue Fever

-Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia

In the rainy season, the mosquitoes become more and the fever of Dengue most of the time be incurable due to its fast rapid development in the body. The patients with Dengue Fever face a reduction in platelets. The Doctors generally recommend a specific diet, however, as per symptoms of fever always take the advice of the Doctor before adopting the following diet:

1. Intake of Papaya:

Why it is taken? Vitamin-C enriched papaya improves the platelets and the immunity of the body is also increased. It is easily digestible and the energy level is increased to a great extent.

2. Tea of Ginger:

 The Ginger is anti-bacterial and when it is mixed in tea, its impact becomes more. The hot tea of ginger not only cleans the throat but also reduces the impact of dengue fever on the body.

3. Coconut Water:

Coconut water is recommended because it is full of electrolytes which helps the body to safeguard from fever. The coconut water is helpful in increasing the platelets and the recovery becomes fast.

4. Turmeric:

Turmeric is full of benefits. It contains curcumin, a bright yellow chemical produced by plants of the Curcuma longa species which is a herbal supplement to cure diseases.

5. Orange Juice:

The orange is full of vitamin C which is quite helpful in improving immunity.

However, the above five things are useful for all the patients, but it is a must to take the advice of the Doctor from whom the medicines are taken to cure Dengue fever.

*Copyright © 2021 Dr. Lalit Kumar. All rights reserved. 

This article is written by Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia; a renowned author and trainer. He completed his Doctorate in Commerce from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra and MBA in Information Technology from GJU, Hisar. He also wrote two books, 15 research papers, and organized more than 200 Training Courses during his working period since 2006 in Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurugram. The article was published on 30th September 2021 and last updated on 30th September 2021. The writer can be contacted on 

Eyes Health - Curing of Blindness

 Eyes Health - Curing of Blindness

-Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia

Disclaimer - I have compiled the information from various sources and from my own experiences for the benefit of readers. However, it is tried to provide good useful information but it is recommended to take advice of Doctors/Eyes specialist in case of any doubt, before adopting any recommended or suggest solution for eyes health. 

Why to worry about eyes health?

The use of mobile phones, laptops, television, tablets, computers, etc. is increasing day by day. The excess time spent in viewing content on the screens of devices expose the eyes to dangerous rays and it is necessary to adopt the following tips for improving eyes health and curing blindness. 

Care of Eyes - intake of Vitamins and Nutrients

One should not use chemicals or medicines for improving the eye sight until or unless these medicines are recommended by Doctor/Medical Expert. Eyes realize us sight-ness, a sense without which we cannot live our life happily. As per scientific facts, the humans above the age of 40, start realizing deterioration in sight-ness naturally. With the age, most of the people face cataracts, glaucoma, and  macular degeneration. It is fact that once a person start using eye lenses or have surgery to improve the vision, the chances to get stable crystal clear vision are very minimum. Therefore, it is must to care for the eyes. 

The intake of vitamins and nutrients with recommendation of Doctor/Eyes Specialist can easily cure blur vision, can heal vision impairment, also can cure the eyes diseases or disorders. When a person intake the vitamins necessary for good health of eyes, his capacity to fight with eyes diseases increased. 

Vitamin A products

Bilberry Extract

The Bilberry is a plant and its leaves are used to cure problems of eyes. The retinal disorder and other eyes problems are cured with intake of Bilberry extract which also treat the blood sugar and cholesterol. 


The Ultra Violet rays of Sun affects the eyes and the Lutein which is realized from plants improves the visual sensitivity.  

Adoption of eye glasses or Lasik surgery

Before adopting eye glasses or surgery to cure eyes problem, it is must to find out the root cause of the eye problem. Sometimes, a person with high blood sugar face the problem of eyes and sometimes, a person with problem in nerves face the eyes problem. The root cause may be any, it is must to firstly detect the same. 

The treatment of eyes according to prescription/medicines is most important. 

Effect of Organophosphate on Eyes

Due to scarcity of natural resources and increasing population; to feed the growing number of persons, the agricultural methods have been changed. The excess use of pesticides in growing vegetables and fruits is well known to all of us. The pesticides include Organophosphate and it is sprayed on vegetables and fruits. When this is taken through the vegetables and fruits, our body capacity to control nerve signals to ocular nerve is affected adversely; it is found in a case study published by Royal Pharmaceuticals.  



Curing Heart Disease

Curing Heart Disease

Disclaimer: it is must to take recommendations of a heart specialist before taking any step. The information in this article is provided only to increase the awareness level of people with regard to heart disease.

Heart Diseases

The Covid-19 outbreak creates the fear in people to visit the hospitals and health centers for entire one year and the patients of heart diseases who have weak immune system faced many complications during the period. Every year, the number of death cases increased due to heart diseases. It is fact that the people with health heart live long healthy life than the people with heart diseases. The immune system is affected adversely with intake of medicines to cure heart diseases. The bodies with healthy hearts have more reserves to tackle the complications than the others. A person with heart disease should always consult his doctor for making more care of the heart and for this purpose, there should not be any hesitation. Nothing is valuable than the health and it is proved during the times of covid-19. 
Heart Disease Symptoms

Initial stage of Heart Disease:

Feeling chest pain or discomfort in chest or difficulty in breathing are considered initial symptoms of a heart disease. However, most of the people due to lack of awareness underestimate such symptoms and take ordinary medicines to treat such symptoms. How to arrive at a decision that such symptoms are relating to heart disease?

Recognizing the heart disease:

Whenever a person feels any symptom relating to cardiovascular disease like pain in chest, irritation, or shortness in breath etc; the first step becomes necessary to consult a heart specialist. The heart specialist before arriving at a conclusion relating to disease, checks the blood pressure, pulse rate, and also asks for Electrocardiogram (ECG), ECHO, and Angiogram. The ECG basically shows the electrical activity of the heart how it contracts and how it relaxes to detect the normality of the heartbeats or any abnormality in it like inadequate blood flow or any damage. On the basis of analysing the reports of each test, the conclusions are derived with regard to the heart disease. The treatment of heart disease is most critical and nobody can take risk of taking any medicine without recommendation of a heart specialist.

Recommended Allopathic Medicines and their side effects:

Most of the heart specialists prescribe allopathic medicines to cure the heart diseases including Aspirin, Statin drugs, Beta Blockers, Nitrates etc. The MayoClinic explains the daily aspirin therapy by describing the benefits and risks of it. After going through the information it can be concluded that the Aspirin is recommended to increase the thickness of the blood and taking it for longer span of time can be dangerous. The Statin drugs are recommended to contain the higher level of bad cholesterol in the blood. However, the statins are explained as safe even in the long run on the basis of findings by the 2014 Johns Hopkins Meta Analysis; but even after such findings, one may not completely rely upon statins. The Beta Blockers are recommended to reduce the bad effects of stress hormones such as adrenaline on the heart. There are a lot of risks explained by for using beta blockers. In order to handle the emergency situations, doctors usually recommend Nitrates. The Nitrates also have side-effects as explained by  In case of blood clots, in order to dissolve the blood, various types of enzymes are recommended. Every medicine is recommended to be taken daily and the person becomes dependent upon the medicines.

What medicines do inside the body?

A question which always make the patients worried, is whether these medicines work as a permanent solution to the heart disease or not? It is found that the medicines increase the thickness of blood, control the blood pressure, cholesterol level, and other symptoms arise from the heart disease. The medicines suppress the symptoms and not heal the disease permanently. As the symptoms are suppressed, the patients feel well. For example, in case of any pain, the patients are recommended by painkillers and after taking painkillers, they feel relaxed.   

Heart Surgery and its effects:

In cases of critical position of a patient, the heart specialists recommend surgery to treat the disease. There are two types of surgeries i.e. Angioplasty or Bypass Surgery. The Angioplasty is a procedure to restore the blood flow through the artery. In case of Angioplasty, a thin tube is thread thought a blood vessel in the arm or groin up to the involved site in the artery. For more details, it is recommended to go through detailed information available online. The device inserted inside the body is known as Stent.

What a stent do to cure heart disease:

It has been proved that the stents help in keep the coronary arteries open which reduce the chances of heart attack. When a stent is inserted into the point of blockage i.e. a clogged artery, the stent takes its place. Thereafter like a balloon, it expands itself and get locked at that place. In other words, a cardiac stent is generally used to treat narrowed or blocked coronary arteries and particularly to improve the immediate flow of blood after a heart attack.

Bypass surgery in heart disease:

In few cases when it is not possible to use the cardio stent, the heart specialist recommends for the bypass surgery. Usually it is recommended in case of replacement of the damaged arteries. The damaged arteries cannot supply the blood inside the heart which can be a cause of heart failure. In bypass surgery, a blood vessel from another part of body is used to supply the blood inside the heart. It made a bypass arrangement of flow of blood in the heart. It depends upon the number of arteries blocked or damaged to bypass the supply of blood, it may be single or double and sometimes triple or quadruple bypass surgery. More the damaged arteries, more the complex heart operation becomes.

Complications of surgery in heart disease:

After the surgery, the patient is required to take omega-3 fatty acids in diet apart from the medicines recommended by the heart specialist. In order to reduce the pain, the heart specialists usually recommend ibuprofen or acetaminophen. The medicines should be taken strictly under the control of doctor. After the surgery, the breath process become short and the patient also feel chest tightness.

Side effects of Surgery in Heart Disease:

In case of both types of surgeries, the heart is operated to ensure adequate flow of blood and heart is one of the most sensitive parts of the body; therefore, the operation is life-threatening. Sometimes the surgery is too costly to afford due to unavailability of heart specialty as per the requirement of the patient. Even after the surgery, the patient is not fully cured. Further, in case of stent, it is required to operate the heart again whenever required to again insert the another stent. Further, the price of stents is also affected with corruption and most of the time, the stents are available at higher prices. Sometimes, heart specialists are involved to increase the cases of stents and it is also found sometimes that they receive commission for making profits out of heart cases with stents. When a patient first time affected with heart disease, then the fear of death followed by advice of heart disease made him convinced to get the stent implanted even if it is not too much required.

Fear of death in heart disease:

The cardio-blockage or heart-attack are such critical diseases that everybody fears to think about. The patients became so fearful that they continued the medicines for whole life. Instead of knowing the real causes behind the disease, why the patient suffered with and what can be the best solution; the patients became wholly dependent upon the medicines.

The ultimate solution to heart disease:

The recent revolution to preferring yoga and meditation to cure the diseases, have change the picture. The blood pressure and level of cholesterol are two things which are cured by physical exercise, yoga, and meditation. The National Heart Lund and Blood Institute found that the stents in itself do not make any contribution in improving the blood supply to the heart and they only make physiological influence in patients that something is inserted to improve the blood supply and such assurances work for improving the situation of the patients. It is also found that at the time of surgery, the blood stopped to flow inside the brain and the brain is damaged for a few time. Earlier it was supposed that such damages are cured with the passing of time but the research in Japan showed that such damages are not cured in all patients and in 50% patients, such damages stays for forever and be permanent. The patients also lead to strokes in the brain within one year of the heart surgery which may also lead to death of the person.

Improving the life style for fast recovery:

In order to cure the heart disease, one thing which is not conveyed by most of the heart specialist; is to improve the life-style. The blood pressure can be controlled by the medicines but that is not the good solution, one should prefer to take recommendations of Yoga specialists to burn the calories and balance the blood pressure. 

Intake of medicines without improving life style lead to surgery:

The medicines have their own side-effects and the use of Yoga and Meditation are boons for everyone. The intake of medicines for longer duration, made the situation critical. For example, the use of Aspirin for longer period can be a cause of bleeding in brain because the more thicker the blood is more the flow of blood will be and bleeding chances increases with intake of Aspirin. In such critical situations, what can be done by a person suffering from initial symptoms of Heart Disease. Similarly, the more intake or longer time intake of Statins medicine can also lead to side effects on body and mind. The Statins leads to Neuro-muscular ageing which made the heart weaker. The Beta blockers reduces the supply of blood and reduces the pulse rate of the heart which reduces the flow of blood in all parts of body. The persons who take Beta Blockers usually feel cold in fingers of hands and feet because the blood supply becomes less in such body parts. 

What can be the best solution?

The life-style management is the best way to stay far from all symptoms of the heart diseases. The life style not only improves the symptoms of heart diseases but also improves the immunity of the heart patients to fight with all types of diseases.

*Copyright © 2018 Dr. Lalit Kumar. All rights reserved.

How to treat Tonsillitis

How to treat Tonsillitis

The 'Recover My Health' comes with the easy solutions to various diseases which may incur a lot of medical expenses if not cured through the easy methods and remedies explained in these webpages  

Treatment in Allopathy:

Each part of human body is formed to function for the wellness of the body and mind. Sometimes, it is recommended to remove a part of body by surgerical operations. It may be mandatory but if it is not mandatory then one should avoid surgery to remove any part of body. There is a disease known as Tonsillitis usually occurs whenever a season is changed. In this disease, the tonsils are swollen and it becomes uncomfortable to eat and drink through the throat. Even sometimes, the person also suffered with fever during the tonsillitis. 
Let’s understand the tonsils as a part of body. On the backside of throat, there are two lymph nodes which prevent the body from being infected known as tonsils. The following image shows the location of Adenoids and Tonsils.

The tonsils produce white blood cells and help body fight with the bacteria and viruses trying to enter in the body through mouth. Although it is a part of the body’s immune system yet the tonsils are infected sometimes while fighting with the virus or bacteria. The enlargement of Tonsils and Adenoids leads to difficulty in breathing or swallowing and such enlargement is known as tonsillitis. The tonsillitis can be categorized in two types i.e. recurrent and chronic tonsillitis. The disease leads to weakness in muscles and stiffness in neck. The tonsillitis can be identified or diagnosed through physical examination inside the throat. Sometimes, pus is accumulated in the tissues of tonsils and appears as white or yellow patches of skin. The chronic tonsillitis is a persistent infection in regular intervals; may lead to formulation of crypts in the tonsils. The bad breath also affects the surrounding people and the person feels restless.

Allopathic Treatment:

The allopathic treatment includes use of antibiotics to fight bacterial infection and usually a course is recommended by the doctor. If the disease is not cured and remained for long-term then it is also recommended by the doctors to remove the tonsils with surgical operation. Before, the problem exceeds to the level of surgical operations, everyone should start some home remedies whenever tonsillitis starts i.e. gargling with warm salt water several times a day and precautions in taking proper diet not leading to enlargement of tonsils. A lot of drugs available to treat tonsillitis and strep throat. Each medicine has its own benefits, side-effects, precautions, and dosage explained on the website The healthcare professional may prescribe penicillin for treating bacterial infections with the combination of medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen for better results.

Home Remedies for Tonsillitis:

Natural remedies for treatment of tonsillitis include (a) taking plenty of rest with sound sleep of at least 7 hours, (b) avoid making excess physical work during the disease, (c) Drink more water and plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, (d) Gargling with lukewarm salt water several times a day, (e) taking honey to heal the infections from bacteria, (f) take omega-3 foods, nuts and seeds, unrefined oils, herbs like ginger, turmeric, and garlic to boost immune system of body. There are a lot of natural remedies found effective in treatment of tonsillitis. A syrup of fresh lime with warm water, honey and salt can be sipped slowly twice a day to cure tonsillitis. Secondly, in case there is constipation with tonsillitis then carrot juice being rich in Vitamin A can be effective. Cucumber and beet are also effective remedy as both increase the resistance of body to fight toxicity.

Stay far from Medicines and adopt following herbal remedies:

The herbal remedies can also be taken such as the bark of babul can be taken to cure throat disorders. It is generally recommended to avoid consumption of curd and buttermilk during tonsillitis. The drink of Tulsi or basil leaves can also be used with adding 2 grams of black pepper as it will increase the building immunity to fight with germs. The drink made from 10 to 12 basil leaves (boiled in one glass water) with adding lemon, honey, and black pepper helps in fast relief from tonsillitis. The Ayurveda [ii] recommends use 1 gram of Sphatika powder in lukewarm water. The Sphatika is antibiotic and antiseptic. Further, Khadiradi tablets can also be taken five times a day. In case of chronic tonsillitis, the Agastya Rasayana is generally recommended, one teaspoon mixed with honey; twice a day; for at least three months.

Homeopathy Treatment:

The homeopaths[iii] also recommend a few best medicines which have no side-effects. The medicines are recommended on the basis of symptoms. The Arsenic Alb is recommended when the patient feels more restlessness and thrist. The Belladonna is recommended when the throat is found red in physical examination. The Heaper Sulph is recommended if the pus is also accumulated in the tonsils. The Merc Sol is recommended in case of sweating and the Baryta Carb is recommended if the tonsillitis is occurred due to an exposure to cold.

Yoga Postures to treat Tonsillitis:

The best yoga asanas for the fast relief are Matsyasana, Paryankasana, and Simhasana. Alongwith Yoga, the person should also take proper diet and hygienic care to cure tonsillitis. The proper diet includes taking lukewarm vegetable and fruit juices sipped slowly, avoiding very hot and very cold foods, avoiding sweets and fried food materials.

*Copyright © 2018 Dr. Lalit Kumar. All rights reserved. 
    Note: The information in this article is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgement of healthcare professionals. The information is not intended to cover all possible solutions, precautions or adverse effects, nor should it be construed to indicate that use of any remedy is safe, appropriate or effective for any person. A healthcare professional should be consulted before using each remedy or medicine or change in diet or discontinuing of any course or treatment.

(i) The above image is captured from an article, “Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids” written by Udayan K. Shah, MD, Professor, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University; Chief, Division of Otolaryngology, Nemours/A.I. duPont Hospital for Children; retrieved from,-nose,-and-throat-disorders-in-children/enlarged-tonsils-and-adenoids on dated 18th March, 2018.
[ii] The information is retrieved from an Ayurveda website i.e. on dated 18th March, 2018.
[iii] The information is retrieved from the webpage of Homeopathic Doctor i.e.

Adopt Healthy Habits - Stay Far From Medicines

Adopt Healthy Habits - Stay Far from Medicines

control senses

Geeta Jayanti - A Day of Introspection

Every year Geeta Jayanti is celebrated with recalling a lot of messages. In whole world, the Geeta is considered a holy scripture containing essence of the life. Everyone thinks that he/she is doing the right things always. I meet an old person, he was asking God that he has not done a single sin then why he is facing troubles in the old age? Noone admits that he did something wrong sometime in the past. On the day of Geeta Jayanti, Lord Shri Krishna explained with preaching Arjuna, the difference between Karma and Dharma

Each of us, on this earth had sufficient knowledge and experience to identify and perform right actions following the Dharma. The Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta contains 18 Chapters and 700 verses. If a person follow the same while taking decisions in life, he/she can never be affected from the difficulties and sorrows because even in comfort zone and moments of happiness, he/she will remain neutral, indifferent. All the doubts are removed when we believe firmly upon God Almighty and in case, all decisions are taken keeping in view His decision, no decision will prove wrong. The management lessons in big corporates and moral education in childhood, everything is explained in the Gita. 

After realising real knowledge of Gita, the reactions in life are removed and replaced with the responses automatically.  
It is well-known fact that if someone wakes up early in the morning, then his life becomes smooth and progressive. Some assume that it happens due to positive useful rays of the atmosphere and some assume it is due to a healthy lifestyle. As per the guidance of elders, one should take walk and do yoga, pranayam, etc; followed by meditation on daily basis. If a person wakes up earlier then the whole day is spent with proper planning and things move in perfect order. The confidence automatically rose with proper planning. The concentration is also increased and accurate decisions will be made. Right decisions will lead to acute progress and progress will make the prosperity and wealth.
In the early morning, with an empty stomach, one should take honey with lukewarm water and if honey is not available then Misri can also be taken. It reduces gastric problems and other stomach disorders. Obesity is also cured with this method.

Physical Exercise:

The diseases like diabetes, ulcers, heart diseases, and cancers are becoming common in this era of machines. One of the major causes of the increase in such diseases is dependent upon mechanical things and lack of physical activities. The poor and medium-income level persons are still preferring to perform their tasks with physical activities like the use of bicycles in transportation, but high-income level persons are preferring to live luxurious life i.e. full of laziness. It is required to adopt healthy habits by sparing valuable time before and after office hours. According
to a recent study on insufficient physical activity among the nations around the world, it is found that Uganda and Mozambique are the most physically active countries with only 6% population with insufficient physical activities while Kuwait is the least physically active with 67% population with insufficient physical activities. The study found that in India, 44% of women and 25% of men are doing insufficient physical activities. The physical exercises can be done even inside the office like yoga postures, pranayama (i.e. inhale, out hale, and holding the breathing as per exercises), and walking instead of using the lift.

Healthy Habits:

A healthy life doesn't require medication indeed it requires meditation. Are you Healthy? Some people reply I am healthy because I have no disease. Some say I am healthy because I am physically fit. Some say I am not healthy because I am not happy. Some say I am not healthy because I become irritated usually without any major reason. 

What is health, how you will define it?

Health is not only being physically fit or being happy. It is a balance among the physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional parameters of an individual. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. There are various types of factors affecting health like biological, socio-cultural, environmental, economic, and physiological. There are various indicators in cities to measure the overall health status of the population like mortality indicators, disability rates, nutritional status, healthcare services, etc.
One of the major causes of not being healthy in life is remaining idle means doing no activity during the days and night. If someone is doing nothing then there will be the first disease come in life i.e. obesity, followed by cholesterol, stress, blood pressure, heart attack, and so on. If someone remains busy in life and does not make himself idle, then also it is required to have precautions from intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting health. Avoiding smoking and drinking, taking a healthy diet, remaining positive in attitude, and keeping the body far from pollution (air pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution) can work best to keep someone healthy forever.

If we analyze the data relating to diseases and deaths; it will be found that most of the deaths are happening due to heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, accidents, and also from being affected with stress syndrome. If someone keeps checking on the health and early diagnosis it's health-problems, then definitely it can help him to stay away from the diseases. In such cases, preventive measures are also possible to take. 

 Yoga and Ayurveda:

Adopting Yoga and preferring Ayurveda also work best if someone has been affected with any disease or disorder. However, due to metabolic syndrome coming in as the result of changes in lifestyles, diets, the stress in life; most people are being unhealthy in the age group of 30 to 40. A balanced diet containing 60% Carbohydrates, 25% fats, 10% Proteins, and also enriched in vitamins, minerals, and iron definitely helps to keep a check on overall health. Such diet should be taken 40% in breakfast time, 30% in the lunch break, 15% in evening tea time, and only 15% in dinner followed by a gap of 3 hours before going to bed. In metro cities, people are preferring processed food and go outside to eat fast food; these habits also invite diseases. Eating more at night followed by sleeping is the major cause of liver infections. One should eat less at least two hours before going to bed. 

Control your senses and be spiritual:

It's not easy to control the senses, the tastes of senses are the source of most of the diseases. It's just to identify the cause of disease and in most cases, it is a lack of control over the sense. The most difficult thing is to control the desires whenever feelings come to mind, the mind distracts from the work, and frustrations that come in life. When the desires are not controlled then the inside energy takes its own direction and most of the time, the energy is wasted. 
There are many incidents happening around us for which we do not care, but all the incidents take place in our mind and even be affected directly and indirectly. In youth, especially at a young age, the 'Kama Bhavna' or 'the emotions of sex' most of the time uncontrolled and their life be distracted even their character also be affected. Yes, such energy if controlled then the same person can score marks by putting that energy into making deep studies.
The decision either to utilize energy or waste energy by putting it in the wrong direction depends upon the power of the mind to control the senses. The rule of nature states that every person is capable to control various types of energy. However, it is fact that the energy cannot flow in more than one direction at one time. For example, a person cannot sing while eating and one cannot eat while singing. In the same way, at the time of work burden, most of the time, all work be disturbed if the work is not done with proper planning and priorities. 
Even if a person puts his whole energy into work at job place or business place, then most of the time the feelings of anger and arrogance come in the life even family life be disturbed. It's fact that due to the spirit of work and rules made in society, most of us start getting frustrated. 
The uncontrollable emotions are really harmful and meditation is the only way to control the senses and emotions. The way we breathe, the way we sleep, the way we work, everything is under the control of emotions and senses. The meditation enhances the capacity to control the emotions like anger, deeds, greed, etc. When such feelings have controlled the mind and body to be calm and real happiness comes in life; it is well explained by true Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan in His spiritual congregations, I participated most of the time. He inspired the youth to meditate and feel the emotions of love, kindness, charity, and peace in life. These feelings of kindness, charity, etc. start developing humanity and spirituality and most of the followers handled mega cleanliness campaigns, blood donations, tree plantations, and get recognition for winning world level awards to Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa. 

Meditate and Be strong from inside

Now it's our decision either to realize success by doing meditation and controlling the senses or waste energy in unplanned and uncontrolled works denting social image and character. It's fact that the feelings and emotions cannot be stopped suddenly and if suppressed they lead to anger, wrong deeds, greed, etc. It is a must to modify the whole routine of life. For example, it is not possible to cure a cold by taking medicine and also ice cream at the same time. Both medicine and precautions are required to cure a disease, similarly, the lifestyle is required to improve to control the senses, emotions, and be calm.

Quit smoking immediately

Recent research which is available on the following link - states that Cigarette smoking is the number 1 cause of lung cancer and the cancer is the main cause of death worldwide as it is an incurable disease as per medical science. The research also highlighted that in 1965, about 42% of adults smoked means at that time the smoking became popular, but in 2019, about 14% of adults smoked cigarettes. 

The symptoms of lungs Cancer include a persistent cough, constant chest pain, shortness of breath, repeated problems with pneumonia or bronchitis, swelling of neck and face, loss of appetite or weight loss, and fatigue. 

Tips and Tricks

1. Take care of the lifestyle completely, the things that make it uncontrolled or disturbed should be avoided and even keep a distance from persons who are the source of such things. 

2. Pay attention to the quantity and type of food you eat. For example, non-vegetarians will always keep you away from the feeling of pity, therefore, be pure vegetarian as per the sermons of the true Saint.

3. The kind of literature or cinema you read and watch; can also be the source of wrong emotions. Start listening and watching spiritual congregations and reading holy books, the emotions will be under your control. 

4. The kind of environment you sit in; requires attention and it is a must to improve the same.

5. Most important - Practice meditation as it teaches to be calm, restrained, and controlled.

Don't get frustrated with the feeling of work, just control the energies of your life and provide a good direction. The willpower and practice of meditation are the main pillars of controlling emotions.

How to stay away from Medicines during Covid-19 times:

1. Drink hot water  - it also enhances the oxygen level.

2. Inhale the smell of Kapur and Ajwain - it also enhances the oxygen level.

3. Inhale Steam from Steamer if there is cough: To avoid cold and cough, take steam at regular intervals.

4. Breathing Exercises - The Yoga exercises especially Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati are used and recommended by Ayurvedic doctors for improving the flow of oxygen and blood to all organs of the body.

The doctors recommend to lay down with keeping the stomach below, it expands lungs easily during the inhale and exhale of oxygen. During sleep, this posture may be used if feels more comfortable.

Remember, the exercises should be to the extent that no fatigue comes into the body due to exercise. Take a rest between the exercises to have more relaxation.

5. Basil Tulsi - In tea, use Basil leaves that is Tulsi, it will boost the immune system.

6. Sitophaldi Churan - It is available with Ayurvedic doctors and can be taken on the recommendation to cure cold cough and flow of oxygen in lungs. Half a spoon of this churan with half spoon of honey is sufficient to improve the respiratory system.

7. Stay away from extra physical work and mental Stress:

It is recommended to take rest to improve the immunity in case anyone is isolated due to Covid symptoms. This also applies to all, who are facing symptoms of Cold, Cough during the Covid times. 

8. Take light food, easy to digest:

Remember, if the food is hard to digest, the body requires to do more labor to digest, more oxygen flow is required. Therefore, it is better to take food that is easy to digest. 

Death from Lack of Oxygen

In most critical diseases, the patients face problems in breathing and they are treated with the supply of oxygen through oxygen cylinders.

The lack of oxygen may be a reason behind deaths. In underdeveloped economies during the times of the Covid pandemic, a lot of people are died due to lack of oxygen.  

Covid-19 Pandemic

Those who thought that Covid-19 be over in the year 2020, faced challenges to cure this pandemic in the year 2021. The Twitter hashtag "Covid is not over" trended due to the awareness on controlling Covid. Everything matters when there is a question to safeguard health. 

It is a must to understand how to stay far from medicines and stay healthy forever. 

Note the following important facts:

 🌟 विटामिन तथा उनके रासायनिक नाम 🌟

❂ विटामिन- A
➢ रासायनिक नाम : रेटिनाॅल
❍ कमी से रोग: रतौंधी
❖ स्त्रोत : 🥕गाजर,🥛 दूध, 🥚अण्डा ,🍓फल🍉

❂ विटामिन – B1
➢ रासायनिक नाम: थायमिन
❍ कमी से रोग: बेरी-बेरी
❖ स्त्रोत : 🥜मुंगफली, आलू, 🥦सब्जीयाँ🍆

❂ विटामिन – B2
➢ रासायनिक नाम: राइबोफ्लेबिन
❍ कमी से रोग: त्वचा फटना, आँख का रोग
❖ स्त्रोत : 🥚अण्डा,🥛 दूध,🥦 हरी सब्जियाँ

❂ विटामिन – B3
➢ रासायनिक नाम: पैण्टोथेनिक अम्ल
❍ कमी से रोग: पैरों में जलन, बाल सफेद
❖ स्त्रोत :🍗 मांस🍖,🥛 दूध, 🍅टमाटर, मुँगफली🥜

❂ विटामिन- B5
➢ रासायनिक नाम: निकोटिनेमाइड (नियासिन)
❍ कमी से रोग: मासिक विकार (पेलाग्रा)
❖ स्त्रोत : 🍗मांस🍖, 🥜मूंगफली, आलू

❂ विटामिन- B6
➢ रासायनिक नाम: पाइरीडाॅक्सिन
❍ कमी से रोग: एनीमिया, त्वचा रोग
❖ स्त्रोत : 🥛दूध, 🍗मांस,🥦 सब्जी🍆

❂ विटामिन – H / B7
➢ रासायनिक नाम: बायोटिन
❍ कमी से रोग: बालों का गिरना , चर्म रोग
❖ स्त्रोत : यीस्ट, गेहूँ, 🥚अण्डा

❂ विटामिन – B12
➢ रासायनिक नाम: सायनोकोबालमिन
❍ कमी से रोग: एनीमिया, पाण्डू रोग
❖ स्त्रोत : 🍗मांस, 🍖कजेली, 🥛दूध

❂ विटामिन- C
➢ रासायनिक नाम: एस्कार्बिक एसिड
❍ कमी से रोग: स्कर्वी, मसूड़ों का फुलना
❖ स्त्रोत : आँवला, 🍋नींबू, 🍑संतरा, 🍊नारंगी

❂ विटामिन – D
➢ रासायनिक नाम: कैल्सिफेराॅल
❍ कमी से रोग: रिकेट्स
❖ स्त्रोत :☀ सूर्य का प्रकाश,🥛 दूध, अण्डा🥚

❂ विटामिन – E
➢ रासायनिक नाम: टेकोफेराॅल
❍ कमी से रोग: जनन शक्ति का कम होना
❖ स्त्रोत: 🥦हरी सब्जी, 🍚मक्खन, दूध🥛

❂ विटामिन- K
➢ रासायनिक नाम: फिलोक्वीनाॅन
❍ कमी से रोग: रक्त का थक्का न बनना
❖ स्त्रोत: टमाटर, हरी सब्जियाँ, दूध

*Copyright © 2018 Dr. Lalit Kumar. All rights reserved.

This content is written by Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia; a renowned author and trainer. He completed his Doctorate in Commerce from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra and MBA in Information Technology from GJU, Hisar. He also wrote two books, 15 research papers, and organized more than 200 Training Courses during his working period since 2006 in Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurugram. The article was published on 26th December 2017 and last updated on 28th November 2021. The writer can be contacted on 

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Benefits of Broken Onion

Benefits of Broken Onion

  In my childhood, my grandparents normally use the onion after breaking with hands. But now-a-days, the onion is used after cutting with knife. I try to find answer and asked old persons why to break onion instead of cutting it. I found some scientific reasons behind it; the onion cut with the knife are exposed more to the open air than the onion broken with force. When an onion is exposed to open air, the process of evaporation took place and the quantity of evaporation changed the taste and nutritional value of the onion. The onion is the only vegetable which reacts to the gases and chemicals available in air due to quantity of Sulfur in the onion. We are aware that the sulfuric acid is known as strongest acid and can react with metals. Therefore, cutting onion with knife can lead to a chemical process with result in creation of Sulfuric Acid. Even the sulfur which is found in onions; is not equally saturated inside onions. A recent study in Washington University explains that the upper layers of onion comprise more quantity of Sulfur.
The last inner layer of the onion contains effective anti-oxide which helps in longevity and keeps young age longer.

Benefits of Broken Onion:

Benefits of Broken Onion

(i) Growth of Hairs:

The people who suffers from baldness and recommended to take Vitamin-E capsules by the doctors; can take broken onion which is easier to digest and contain more Vitamin-E than capsules. Even the onion’s water can be applied on scalp to increase the growth of hairs, it also reduces the number of grey hairs. In case, the hairs are not growing due to Alopecia Areata then onions’ juice is recommended to cure the hair loss.

(ii) Healthy Bones:

The broken onions comprise various ingredients which strengthen the bones. The Bern University after making experiments on mice, found that one gram of onion strengthens 17% bones of mice. The onions reduce the oxidative stress and decrease the bone loss in the old age people and helpful in preventing osteoporosis.
The people from ancient times used onion without cutting it, to eat through breaking with force; because it improves the health of bones. In each recipe, the onions are used in vegetables and every person should eat in plenty for improving the health of bones.

(iii) Improved functioning of Heart:

The broken onions are best for the heart and most of the heart diseases are cured from it. The onions reduce the bad cholesterol level of the body and prevents heart attack.

(iv) Curing Stomach Ulcers:

The broken onions treat the sore mouth and throat, bronchitis, and even the parasitic worms. It is well known that the onions are applied directly to the skin in case of insect bites, wounds, warts etc. due to its effectiveness in curing skin diseases.

(V) Immunity Booster:

The antioxidant which protects the cells from damage and improves the immunity of the body, i.e. Vitamin C is found in onion. Onions are also rich in Vitamin B and improve the metabolism system for efficient function of nerves.

(vi) Fights Cancer:

In order to fight Cancer, the doctors recommend eating vegetables of Allium genus i.e. Onions and Garlic. The broken onion is rich in sulfur which decrease the development of tumour and prevents Cancer.

(vii) Controls Blood Sugar:

The diabetes is a common disease all over the world, the broken red coloured onions contain quercetin and sulfur compounds which possess anti-diabetic effects on the body. It regulates the blood sugar level and interact with small intestine, pancreas, fat tissue and liver.

(viii) Improves Digestive System:

The digestion is improved from intake of fiber and prebiotics and the broken onions are rich in prebiotics which help in absorption of calcium in the body. It also reduces the chances of stone in the stomach.

The people suffering with ‘lack of appetite’ and ‘gallbladder disorders’ are recommended by doctors to take broken onions. 
You might also be interested in reading the following:

1. Nutrition in Food as a support to Immune System  

2. How to stop hair fall - Tips by Dr. Lalit Kumar Setia  

3. Stress Management and Realization of Happiness  

4. An idea to remain young forever  

5. Adopt Healthy Habits and Stay Far From Medicines  

6. Don’t be afraid of Higher Uric Acid Level indeed adopt these remedies  


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